Tag Archives: Housing

State of the City Address – Mayor Brad Avery

State of the City Address - Mayor Brad Avery Speak Up Newport is currently unable to hold its normal programs at the Civic Center so we will host this eleventh in a series of special programs via a Zoom Meeting Webinar. Speak Up Newport recently announced, with regret, that the 40th annual Mayor’s Dinner scheduled…
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4,834 New Housing Units in Newport Beach?

4,834 New Housing Units in Newport Beach? Where will they be placed? In your Neighborhood? Speak Up Newport is currently unable to hold its normal programs at the Civic Center so we will host this tenth in a series of special programs via a Zoom Meeting Webinar. The State of California is requiring Newport Beach…
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Homelessness in Newport Beach

Homelessness in Newport Beach Homelessness is one of the most critical social problems in California. Come hear Speak Up Newport’s 3rd program on Homelessness with the City’s Homelessness Czar providing an update on what the City of Newport Beach is doing What are the duties of the Homelessness Czar? Status of the Homelessness task force/City…
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Housing Crisis in Newport Beach?

Housing Crisis in Newport Beach? Come hear how and where Newport Beach is planning on accommodating the 2764 4832 new homes mandated by the State. SCAG Just increased the number to 4832 new homes on November 7th. The Governor has signed 18 new housing bills, 5 of which are on Accessory Dwelling Units, one of…
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